
Isabella's Ko Wai au


What is media

What is media. 

Today we  were learning about What is media and how to use it. My buddy was Kylah and together we made a poster about what is media. The struggles for me were what to write and  what pictures to use. I hope that me and my buddy Kylah taught you about what is media.

My two amazing magic trick.

How does your video show magic?
My wevideo shows magic because I have a 2D image that then turns into a 3D image. My video also shows magic because of the mighty background.

What are the video skills you are learning to use at the moment?
The video skill I am trying to learn are how to make the onomatopeya show up on my wevideo.
Do you have any tips for other learners?
My tips for you is to before you make a wevideo you think about a wevideo that will take 30 seconds and not over that time.

What are your next steps for your video?'
To add more detail and think of a quicker wevideo.

What feedback do you want about your video?
The feedback I would like is some tips and how to add more detail to ma wevideo.


Have you made a scratch? Today we were learning about coding and posting our scratch games on our blogs. The hard thing for me to do was figure out were to put the codes because I haven't done coding before. I enjoyed waching my scrach even though its not finished. All though my scratch is not finshed I will still work on it.

The big reveal

We were learning about making workeye caching
I found it easy to fix up my slide.
I found it hard to finish the big reveal because there was so much.
I really enjoyed fixing up my copyright challenge.
Next time I need to listen in a bit more to the instructions so I remember all of them

Isabellas and Natalie Smart comments


We were learning about how to write nice comments.
I found it easy to find the good and the bad comments.
I found it hard to work with a partner.
I really enjoyed the whole process.
Next time I need to work a bit better with my partner.